Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Moona Lisa

Ooh, that enigmatic smile...


  1. I would *much* rather look at Moona than the one currently hanging in the Louvre in Paris !

  2. Le Giocondo Superiore!

    Altogether more mysterious and fetching than the one in the Louvre.

  3. Oh my. I was hoping that he would be sitting on her shoulder and causing the strangeness of her smile, but that would make Moo a prop, and if we Derridically disavow diminished hierarchies, he deserves front and center. Bravo.

  4. Indeed, Andrea Elizabeth, if we accept Derrida's fruits borne in Baudrillard's aesthetic philosophy of the unreality of the image and Barthe's loss of the author/artist then the indeterminancy of this image is neither oblique nor artificial. In short, "Moona Lisa rocks!"

  5. Moo, you indubitably rock. Some ascribe this indeterminancy to apophaticism. Can we ever really know?

  6. AE, I'll let you know as soon as I find out. Tortoiphatically yours, Moo!


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