Saturday, August 22, 2009

Oxymoronic Lunch

McTurtle fast food.


  1. HA! now how long does it take to think of these clever turtle things?

    Love the irony.

  2. Has anyone alerted the Slow Food Movement that a prospective mascot is ready to audition?

    Boy, do you have time on your hands since quitting some of your endeavors, or what? Haha. But the results are ever so worth it. These turtle pics are hilarious.

  3. That turtle is going to develop a complex. Just sayin.

  4. Elizabeth, They are "logismoi"...they just pop into my head. I don't know what that says about my head.

    "Slow Food Movement"...hmmm, that definitely sounds like a mascot possibility.

    Prof, LOL! Yeah, every time he gets lettuce something goofy gets taped to his back. He might start running the other direction... well, maybe mosey the other direction. :)

  5. I just L O V E this new pet of yours....I want one....I want one.....I cannot wait to see your next logismoi!!!

  6. You have got to stop are just having too much fun!

    ...just kidding-keep it up!

  7. You've invented the LOLturtle! "I can haz lettus," anyone? Hey, those lolcat folks must be making a fortune with their goofy sites, so why not?

  8. You need a live TurtleCam (TM), so that we can watch Dolly in realtime. Then the endorsements would really flow.

  9. One would think that after a while, tortoise pictures like this would stop being funny. But that thought would be wrong. These are like the Church Norris jokes, you just can't get enough.

  10. The pieces of lettuce are getting larger :) These are great, keep them coming!

  11. Och, To be put on par with Chuck Norris life is now complete. :)

  12. Orthodox Turtle's motto: "Lettuce attend!"

  13. Kirk, Get your own turtle. LOL!
    I'm still working on a picture that shows there is actually something on earth slower than "The Cherubic Hymn". :)

  14. LOL! You are just having waaaaaayyyy too much fun with this turtle. Thanks for passing the fun on to us!


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