Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Moo Accepts a Classic Rematch

And the winner is....

(click on pic to enlarge, as usual...)


  1. Love it! What a good pet for you! Sending some cyber lettuce Moo's way!

  2. Oh.my.gosh!

    Thank goodness no one is home to hear my raucous laughter!

    This is terrific.

    I love Moo.

  3. Boy, that must be some crazy-fast shutter speed on the camera to catch the action without a motion blur. Heart-pounding photo finish!

  4. Grace, After the "Vista" race (you can see the blur of my back leg),I had to tell "s-p" he had one shot at this and to raise the ISO settings so the shutter speed on his camera could catch the finish with the rabbit. He's a nice guy but what a techno-dunce.

  5. Rock on Moo, rock on!


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